On Wednesday night mom, Kim and I took Logan, Emily and Devin to see the Easter Bunny at the Library. Devin was standing back with his eye on the Bunny. He wasn't too sure about it. He stayed on her lap for a little while then all of a sudden he had this frightened face and started to cry a little. He did good though, better than I thought. Emily and Logan had no problem at all.

The boys had so much fun going in and out of the little house at the Library. Logan loved the little rocking chairs and sat down and stood back up. He ended up with a jelly Bean which got all over his nice shirt. This little house they were playing in is the same little house that I use to play in when I was little!

Devin and I are on our way to Des Moines later today (Friday) for Aunt Lynnette's birthday tomorrow, I can't wait!