In between rain showers Devin and I have been getting out of the house this week, not as much as we would like though. On Monday we went to the pool and to say the least Devin LOVES the water, but we all knew that already. I wish I would have gotten a picture of him in the water, but I didn't want to risk my phone getting damaged again. Before we went to the pool we took the short hike up to see the bench that Jim, Dad and Jeannie donated for Grandma and Grandpa. Devin wouldn't look at the camera for me of course. Let me just say that the bench gets pretty HOT in the sun so be careful!

This morning Devin and I went to Roosevelt to play on the little playground. He liked playing on the stairs and even went down the slide a few times with help from me. I'm not sure what he thought of the slide. His favorite thing to do at the playground was to bring me little rocks, one or two at a time. He did this for about a half hour! I felt bad for throwing the rocks down so I figured I would make something out of them. I ended up with this flower. He even brought me the little trig that I used for the stem! The first flower was better, but he ruined it :(
Tonight I was cleaning out the garage and the basement and he knocked my bike over! Luckily he ended up in-between the seat and the handle bars, close call! He started crying, but I think that it just startled him. He kept messing with the bike and looking at me. I took this as a sign that he wanted to go for a ride. So, I put on his little helmet and off we went on a long bike ride. I'm hoping next week we can get out side a little more, hopefully the rain is about done for the late spring we are having.