Ok so I have a confession to make... I didn't exactly make it to Cherokee on Sunday night. I made it to Sioux Center and then made it into the ditch. A nice Sheriff came and picked me up and took me to a dive hotel for the night. As I was getting out of his huge truck I slipped on the ice, landing hard on my lower back and hitting my head on the floor board of his truck. I saw those little star things... let me say I had a killer headache all day on Monday. Here is my car being pulled out of the ditch.

Earlier on Sunday at work I was clearing off our dock and moving coke products. I was moving a 8 pack of two liters and slammed it down on my finger in between crates. I think I then pulled a dad (you know the 9 word sequence of not so nice words that come out of his mouth when he gets hurt). My finger was definately black and blue and throbbing for the rest of the day. Everyone kept saying I was going to loose my finger nail. Well, then Ben told me that he could save my nail and convinced me to let him drill into my finger. He didn't use an actual drill, just the bit. I think he went a little too far :( I screamed and blood squirted everywhere! It hurt so bad, but now feels so much better that the pressure has been released and I can use my finger again. So anyways... Hope you all had a Happy Valentine's Day!