Like my hand? Freaky!
I have been so busy the past month that I have abandoned my computer and the internet. I have worked about 60 hours a week for the past four weeks which has been bitter sweet. It's nice to keep busy and not to mention the paychecks, but it's also nice to have a day off to relax and to spend time with my boy. I finished up the Census job on Wednesday and so we are finished. They said it would be about two months, but the job was just short of a month. It was alright for a temp job, I know I couldn't do it for much longer though. I couldn't have done it with out Ben being there when we needed him and of course Grandma Teresa, Kim and Great-Grandma and Grandpa Goodburn and Deb! Thanks for all your help!Now where to go from here? Today I am subbing, but school is going to be out soon. I am getting burned out at the YES Center and working weekends, so I don't know how much longer I will be doing that, at-least until I find another job, that much is for sure. There are four tracker positions opening up at the YES Center. I hope to get one, but I won't know for a little while yet. A tracker works right with the JCO (like a probation officer- Kramer) and helps keep "track" of the clients by going to their schools, homes and jobs to make sure they are doing what they are suppose to be doing and staying out of trouble. This would be a great opportunity and move in the right direction for me. My bosses at the Center told me to apply for the position so that is a good sign. Ben started a job in Vermillion installing Dish TV. He says that it's more complex then he thought it would be, which is good for him because he loves being challenged. He didn't take the position before because he thought that it wouldn't be stimulating enough and he was holding out for the windmills. We joked that as soon as he took a job then they would finally call, so maybe he should take it. Soon enough, his second week of training they called him for an interview. Ben had an interview on Monday, finally. He said that it went great! He was there for close to two hours. They told him that they would let him know later this week. He was bummed that they didn't get a hold of him yet, but I reminded him of how long their "week" really is. Considering they told him in November they would be doing interviews in the next few weeks! Ben had another job also that was in Watertown. He called and told him that he wouldn't be able to accept it, BRRR! Doesn't break my heart.

Devin is as good as always! He was sick for about a week after Easter and was pretty crabby, but all is well now. I think that he caught whatever Derek had during Easter. Bad case of the runs, which seems to eat at his little behind :(
Devin went to see a specialist for his ears, Dr. Abbott. He said that they looked good right now. Devin has had an ear infection about once a month until, of course, we made the appointment with the specialist. Dr. Abbott said that ear infections tend to come during the fall and winter time not usually during spring or summer. So, with that in mind he does not recommend doing tubes right now, which is what we all wanted to hear. Hopefully he will grow out of them.
At his appointment Devin was 26.5lb! He even gets weighted on the big boy scale now. I have come to terms that I no longer have a baby, he is now a full fledge toddler. He is very independent and wants to do everything himself! He loves to dance, especially to Ame
rican Idol (think he likes Kris the best) he is now even singing along! He sings just like his mommy- not good! He is ready for the dance in a few weeks at the wedding!
He still loves his books and his baths. He now loves to run up and down the side walk and spin in circles until he gets dizzy and falls down, which is very entertaining. Alright I have lunch duty now- Bye for now!