Devin was the only one of us who was able to have an actual Thanksgiving with great food and family. Both Ben and I had to work over night Wednesday night so Devin was able to spend the night with Grandma Teresa. On Thursday Devin went to Ben's Aunt Brenda's house, where he became her new best friend. Devin was able to eat mashed potatoes, ham and other Thanksgiving favorites. I didn't get a lot of details, but I'm sure Devin had fun playing with all of the kids. Thanks Grandma Teresa!
I did get to eat Thanksgiving diner at Kim's house. I stopped at the Robinson Thanksgiving on my way to work. It was good the first time anyways. I'll spare you the details, but about 11:30 Thursday night I had some kind of flu or food poisoning. It was not a good night for me. By Friday evening though everything was just fine... it was strange.

On Thanksgiving I was at work all day, but we had our Goodburn Thanksgiving on Saturday. The DLD crew (Derek, Logan & Devin) were everywhere and keeping everyone entertained. Everyone is walking, except for Devin. However both Ben and Teresa said that he was standing on his own for a while. Then he would realize what he was doing and sit down, not fall down though. It is going to be very soon, I'm sure by Christmas the three of them will be running everywhere!
Also, it was great to see Aunt Pam who came to visit us from Texas!
I was not able to... borrow (ok steal) any pictures of Devin and the boys from Kevin, but he did send me one of Saturday night of Aunt Lynnette reading to Sophia and Devin. They both sure love their books!

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